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Your Career

With more jobs requiring expertise in risk management and analytics than ever before, we make it our mission to ensure our students and graduates have the resources they need to capitalize on their newly learned skills and experiences. 

We’re Committed to Your Success

With the Master of Management, Risk and Analytics (MRA), you’re not just earning a degree—you’re investing in your future. Our graduates step into the world equipped to not only face challenges but to capitalize on them, transforming risks into rewards. From strategic planning and financial analysis to sustainability and innovation, the career possibilities are as diverse as they are promising.

Ready to achieve a tangible return on your educational investment? Explore how our program paves the way to dynamic career advancement and solid financial rewards.

Explore Jobs in Risk Management and Analytics 

Career opportunities requiring risk and analytics expertise are on the rise. Explore job market trends, salaries, job descriptions and more.

Career Outcomes

“In our conversations with business leaders across the globe, we’ve identified an increasing need for risk management and analytics talent. Businesses are looking for leaders well-versed in risk management strategies and sophisticated analytics. Leaders with a keen sense of awareness. Leaders who will strengthen their organizations for the long haul.”

—Mark Beasley, Director of NC State’s Enterprise Risk Management Initiative